Great content is a hallmark of Along the Towpath, and submissions are always welcome. Content that is submitted is used to the maximum extent possible. Material is selected based on numerous factors. In many cases it is not possible to use material due to space restrictions, relevance, quality of material, late submission and copyright limitations. These guidelines are to assist potential submitters in preparation and submission of content.
Timeline for Submission:
Planning for an issue of Along the Towpath is a three-month process and compliance with submission dates is critical to timely completion of the newsletter. Potential submitters must inform the Editor of a possible submission by the first of the month before the newsletter issue. The deadline for content is the second Friday of the month before the newsletter issue. Specifically, the deadline dates are as follows:
March issue
- Proposed content notification – February 1st
- Content deadline – the second Friday in February
June issue
- Proposed content notification – May 1st
- Content deadline – the second Friday in May
September issue
- Proposed content notification – August 1st
- Content deadline – the second Friday in August
December issue
- Proposed content notification – November 1st
- Content deadline – the second Friday in November
It is also understood that material will sometimes be submitted after the deadline because of late events or news. Early notification or submission is not a guarantee of publication.
General Content Ownership and Credit Requirements:
All submitted material must include credits and permission for use. If the submitter is the writer, photographer or artist, it is assumed that permission is granted. If the material is from a third party – including an independent writer, photographer, artist, or publication – the submitter should obtain permission and provide it to the editor. Note – prior to obtaining permission for third party content, verify with the Editor if the material can be used.
All submitted material should include the name of the originator and, if desired, the preferred wording for the byline or image caption.
The Association typically does not pay for newsletter content.
Written Material:
Written content can be accepted in a variety of file formats, including: MS Word (.doc), Apple Pages (.pages), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), plain text files (.txt) and rich text files (.rtf). Text within the body of an email can be used, however, the submission should be clearly defined within the message by the words “Start Content” and “End Content.”
Paper content will be accepted. The submitter should make the text as clear as possible.
Image Material:
Digital image media should be submitted in the best resolution possible. If file sizes are too large to email submitters should contact the Editor for alternate means of submission. Image files can be accepted in numerous formats, including: jpg, tiff, png, bmp, pdf, or camera raw. Submitters who have questions about file resolution settings should contact the Editor for further information.
Printed submissions can be accepted if necessary; indicate if the material should be returned.
Images intended for use in the newsletter should not be embedded in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat files. This is because the image files are compressed when they are inserted in these file formats, rendering them unsuitable for use in the newsletter.
Images will be used when possible and adjustments will be made as needed. In some cases, images may not be able to be used for the newsletters four-color print process due to poor resolution, under- or over-exposure, excessive blurring, or shadowing.
Editing and Coordination:
All content is reviewed by the Editorial Committee and adjustments are made as needed to ensure that minor corrections are made as needed and that material is consistent and complies with the style of the newsletter. In some cases, it may be necessary for the Editor to contact the submitter. If contacted, submitters are asked to respond promptly to avoid delays in production of Along the Towpath.
Submission of Paper Content or Printed Images:
Submit content directly to the editor. As of April 2025, that position is vacant.