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Memorial and Honor Donations

If you would like to make a donation in memory of a deceased person or in honor of a living person, please use the form below. (*Required fields.)
Donation Amount:*
Your information
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Address 1:*
Address 2:
State:*      Zip:*
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Please send a notifcation of my gift to:
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Address 2 :
City, State Zip:

Comments or instructions:

Donors may choose any of five funds:

  • The Kenneth Rollins C&O Canal Fund, a revolving fund to support current projects and programs in and for the C&O Canal National Historical Park.
  • Cumberland Boat Fund, which supports maintenance of the replica canal boat on display at Cumberland Canal Place.
  • The Davies Legal Defense Fund, which supports the association’s involvement in activities such as opposition to the construction of the proposed Georgetown University boathouse within the C&O Canal National Historical Park. The association opposes the transfer of public land to any individual or enterprise for private use.
  • Nancy C. Long Aqueduct Preservation Fund, which can be used to fund the maintenance, repair, and restoration of canal aqueducts.

Contributions received without a Fund designated will normally be placed in the Kenneth Rollins C&O Canal Fund. However, we will appreciate your indicating the fund for which your donation is intended. The C&O Canal Association is a volunteer organization. No administrative overhead is taken from donations; the entire amount is used for the specific fund’s purpose.

Contributions will be acknowledged by a letter to the donor, and will also be listed in our quarterly newsletter, Along The Towpath.  Please let us know if you prefer your contribution to be anonymous.

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