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Past projects

Lift lock signs

By April 21, 2020February 17th, 2025No Comments

A lift lock is used to overcome elevation changes of the ground through which the canal’s towpath must pass. By allowing water to flow into or out of the lock, the gates at either end of a lift lock enabled a boat to be raised or lowered from one level to another. Locks could be filled or lowered in about 10 minutes.

During 2016, lift lock signs indicating the individual lock number were replaced along the 184.5 miles of the C & O Canal.

The association donated $2,858.00 to the park service to help pay for the signs.

Installation was by the association’s Volunteers in the Park

  • Chairman, VIP – Jim Heins
  • Crew Members
    • Skip Magee
    • Craig Roberts
    • Jim Sneed

(Updated November 2019.)

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