An inlet lock also called a guard lock provides water to the canal from a pool behind a dam. Because water is lost by seepage, evaporation, the slow current in the canal, and the operation of locks, it is necessary to maintain the depth of the canal by adding water at various points. A river lock is used to pass canal boats to the Potomac River (Big Slackwater) and sometimes to the farther shore – Virginia.
During 2017, 10 inlet/river/guard lock signs were installed between Tide Lock (Mile 0) and Dam 6 (Mile Post 134).
On August 13, 2017, the association donated $825.00 to the park service to help pay for the inlet/river/guard lock signs.
Installation was by the association’s Volunteers in the Park
- Chairman, VIP – Jim Heins
- Crew Members
- Skip Magee
- Craig Roberts
(Updated October 2018.)