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Past projects

Bus transportation

By April 23, 2020November 19th, 2020No Comments

The C&O Canal Association has funded bus transportation many times to educate the public about the canal. Some expamples

1. Canal Classrooms       

The Association funds bus transportation to various sites in the C&O Canal National Historical Park for Pre-K-12 students from neighboring school districts: Maryland, West Virginia, and Washington, DC.  The park’s Canal Classroom program has won awards. Prior to visiting the park, teachers prepare their students by teaching the rich history of the canal so they will have a basic knowledge of how the canal worked.  Their knowledge is supplemented by park rangers explaining the working of a lock, an aqueduct and a lockhouse. During the visit studenta have an opportunity to participate in simulated archeological exercises.   

Since 2009, the C&O Canal Association’s donation has totaled $32,174 in support of these visits.

2. Special park service events

Such events included a Junior Ranger Youth Camp and four Civil War re-enactments along the canal.

Between 2010 and 2013, the Association’s donation totaled $1,995.

3.  Ticket to Ride                                       

In August 2012 the Board of Directors agreed that the association to be the fiduciary agent for an $8,000.00 grant from the National Park Foundation to the park to reimburse local schools’ transportation.  This grant – Ticket to Ride – was given by Disney to national parks across the country.

Between September 2012 and June 2013, 10 disbursements totaling $8,000 were made to various local schools.                              

(Updated November 2018.)