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Donate online

The C&O Canal Association welcomes contributions to assist its work. Donations may be made online by clicking below or by postal mail.

Memorial or Honor Donations

Click here to make a memorial donation

(Note: A PayPal account isn’t required. A credit card will work just fine.)


If you would like to include a gift to the Association in your will, we can offer some suggested language.

Our Funds

Donations may be made online or by postal mail. Donors may choose any of the funds below:

  • Kenneth Rollins C&O Canal Fund, a revolving fund to support current projects and programs in and for the C&O Canal National Historical Park
  • Nancy C. Long Aqueduct Preservation Fund. Aqueducts are key structures on the C&O Canal, picturesque as well as functional. Aqueducts are vital to the integrity of the towpath. Three of the 11 aqueducts have been restored, but much remains to protect or restore the others. We are grateful to Nancy for the establishment of a fund to contribute toward that aim.
    The Association will use the fund for any purpose that helps maintain the integrity of aqueducts. The tasks can range from routine debris removal to stabilization of an unrestored aqueduct to a financial contribution towards full restoration.
  • Davies Legal Defense Fund, which supports the association’s involvement in activities such as opposition to the construction of the proposed Georgetown University boathouse within the C&O Canal National Historical Park. The association opposes the transfer of public land to any individual or enterprise for private use.
  • Cumberland Boat Fund, which supports maintenance of the replica canal boat on display at Cumberland Canal Place.

Mailing a check

Canal boat postage stamp

For the convenience of those donating by postal mail, a printer-friendly donation form is available. Your contribution to the Association’s efforts to protect and assist the C&O Canal National Historical Park will be sincerely appreciated.

Checks may be made payable to the C&O Canal Association and mailed to:

C&O Canal Association
PO Box 366
Glen Echo, MD 20812-0366

Contributions received without a fund designated will normally be placed in the Kenneth Rollins C&O Canal Fund. However, we will appreciate your indicating the fund for which your donation is intended. The C&O Canal Association is a volunteer organization. No administrative overhead is taken from donations; the entire amount is used for the specific fund’s purpose.

Contributions will be acknowledged by a letter to the donor, and will also be listed in our quarterly newsletter, Along The Towpath. Please let us know if you prefer your contribution to be anonymous.

If you wish to make a memorial donation, please include the name of the person in whose memory the donation is given.

Financial information

The C&O Canal Association is a non-profit organization as defined by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and all contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Documents available for your review are:

Documents and information submitted to the State of Maryland under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are also available from the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost of copying and postage.